Saturday, April 25, 2009

Editorial of Progress- 24th April, 2009 issue

We have reached at a historic moment in Indian history – the centenary of Sri Aurobindo’s acquittal and famous Uttarpara speech.
On 6 May 1909 Mr. Beachcroft, the judge of Alipore Bomb Case delivered his judgment.
So, we dedicate this issue to commemorate this two historic moments. Sri Aurobindo was acquitted with others after one year of jail life (according to him ashram life). While concluding the Alipore Bomb case for the defense of Sri Aurobindo, well-known lawyer Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das had delivered a memorable speech. It’s still vibrating in our ears.
“ …My appeal to you is this—that long after this turmoil, this agitation will have ceased, long after he is dead and gone, he will be looked upon as the poet of patriotism, as the prophet of nationalism and the lover of humanity. Long after he is dead and gone, his words will be echoed and reechoed not only in India but across distant seas and lands….”
On 30th May he had delivered historic speech at Uttarpara, a town in Bengal. In that speech he openly described his spiritual experiences inside the jail. He also discussed in detail about the Sanatan Dharma.
Apart from our regular sections, most of the articles are on these two events including the original version of the Uttarpara speech by Sri Aurobindo. Our endeavour is to unfold the great history of India’s political and social life before the present young generation.
To read more please visit

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Editorial - 24th November, 2008 issue of PROGRESS

In the present situation, the whole world is facing all kinds of crisis. It may be economic, social, and political. Everywhere is darkness. People are loosing hope in future life. Where we are going? To find the answer to this question we arrived at one conversation of The Mother. It runs like this. Question asked to The Mother: In 1919 Sri Aurobindo wrote that the chaos and the calamities were perhaps the pangs of the birth of a new creation. How long is this going to continue? In the Ashram, in India and eventually in the world? Answer of The Mother: It will continue until the world is ready and willing to receive the new creation; the consciousness of this new creation is already at work upon earth since the beginning of this year**. If instead of resisting, people were collaborating, it would be quicker. But stupidity and ignorance are very obstinate! 29 November 1969 **This year means 1969. The Mother had an experience on 1 January 1969. Later on about the descent Mother identified it as the descent of superman consciousness on earth. The Mother told that the new consciousness manifested upon earth on 1 January 1969. (la conscience du surhomme). She explained, “ …..It is the descent of the superman consciousness. I had the assurance later on. It was the first of January after midnight. I woke up at two in the morning, surrounded by a consciousness, so concrete, and new in the sense that I had never felt it before. And it lasted, absolutely concrete, present, for two or three hours, and afterwards it spread out and went about to find people who could receive it. And I knew that it was the consciousness of the superman, that is to say, the intermediary between man and the supramental being. That has given to the body a kind of assurance and confidence. That experience has, as it were, stabilised the body and if it keeps the true attitude, every support is there to help it.”

“There is only one new fact − from the beginning of this year a new consciousness has manifested and is working energetically to prepare the earth for the new creation.”17 April 1969


It is a wonderful opportunity in front of us to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the descent of Superman Consciousness on January 1 2009. Let us prepare ourselves for this occasion and be renewed once again. We should utilize the opportunity for that grand purpose.CWM, Vol 15, p. 114-115